Does your plagiarism detector have a mobile app?

Currently, We offer an Android app - fully connected with your desktop account or supports physical content scanning along with digital content files and website. Take a photo of content and scan it in a few seconds to see if there is any plagiarized content. This superlative feature is available in many languages.

In order to get access to our Plagiarism Checker, we request that you allow us to upload your content onto one of our academic websites; to facilitate other students may use our Free Plagiarism Checker for Students to help them in writing their own stuff. We will not do this until or unless 3 months after your content is being scanned. As you will previously have submitted your work to your campus, it is no longer of usage to you - though you'll be actually helping other students via authorizing them to learn from your work as an instance. Your work helps other students to do better in their own studies.

Our highly superlative google plagiarism checker authorizes students to explore through millions of articles, dissertations as well as parts of coursework, finding for instances of how to compose high quality content in their field. Your article will be added to this particular resource after 2 months have passed as a minimum. Only the first 300 words display in Google's search engine results - your complete article is not indexed by Google or other most prevalent search engines.

Once we evaluate your article as being particularly of best quality, we occasionally authorize students to access it from a choice of other webs under strict rules. This is always minimum 2 to 3 months after you check your work. Be careful while utilizing other plagiarism software that claim to be "100% free". An individual need to pay for the expansion costs and that is frequently funded by taking article and doing something with it. This might occur as soon as you check your work with our plagiarism checker, indicating that if your respective authority checks your work later, you'll definitely be flagged for plagiarized content.